Scripting Objects Reference

Email Marketer utilizes two power objects for personalization; Message and User. With these objects, you can easily control the entire message if you want. Normally, the scripting objects are used for global personalization scripting.

The Message Object Model

The message object is available to you within the Personalization Script Code with the following properties and methods:
Property Type Description
FromName Text Read/write the display name of the sender, the default value is loaded from the sender account.

Message.FromName = "Nesox Solutions"

FromEmail Text Read/write the email address of the sender, the default value is loaded from the sender account.

Message.FromEmail = ""

ReplyName Text Read/write the display name of the reply-to, the default value is loaded from the reply-to account.

Message.ReplyName = "Nesox Solutions"

ReplyEmail Text Read/write the email address of the reply-to, the default value is loaded from the reply-to account.

Message.ReplyEmail = ""

Subject Text Read/write the message subject.

Message.Subject = Message.Subject & " for " & User("FirstName")

CC Text Read/write the email for carbon copy recipients.

If User("AlternativeEmail") <> "" Then Message.CC = User("AlternativeEmail")

BCC Text Read/write the email for blind carbon copy recipients.

Message.BCC = ""
Message.BCC = ";"

Text Object Access the plain text message, Message.Text is a Body object. For more details, please reference Body.

Message.Text.LoadFromFile "c:\newsletter1.txt"

Html Object Access the HTML message, Message.Html is a Body object. For more details, please reference Body.

Message.Html.LoadFromFile "c:\newsletter1.htm"

Format Text Read/write the message format, "Text", "Html" or "Automatic".

Message.Format = User("Format")

Body Object Equals Text or Html object for inline scripting.
Attachments Object Access the attachments in the message.

Message.Attachments.Add "c:\news.pdf"

Cancelled Bool Know whether the delivery of this message is cancelled.

If Message.Cancelled Then MsgBox Message.Email & " was cancelled."

DateTime Datetime Read the last operation time for the message.

Example (for success or failure messages block)
Set Sys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Txt = Sys.OpenTextFile("c:\mylog.txt", 8)
Txt.Write(Message.Email & ": " & Message.DateTime & vbCrlf)

ErrorNumber Number Read the error number for a failure or cancelled message.

Example (for failure messages block)
Set Sys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Txt = Sys.OpenTextFile("c:\mylog.txt", 8)
Txt.Write(Message.Email & ": " & Message.ErrorNumber & " " & Message.ErrorText & vbCrlf)

ErrorText Text Read the error description for a failure or cancelled message.

Example (for failure messages block)
Set Sys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Txt = Sys.OpenTextFile("c:\mylog.txt", 8)
Txt.Write(Message.Email & ": " & Message.ErrorNumber & " " & Message.ErrorText & vbCrlf)

UserKey Text Read the key field value of the recipient. Used for calling back after delivery.

Example (for success messages block)
Message.ListConnection.Execute "UPDATE List SET DeliveryTime=Now() WHERE ID=" & Message.UserKey

Email Text Read the email address of the recipient. Used for calling back after delivery.

Example (for success messages block)
Message.ListConnection.Execute "UPDATE List SET DeliveryTime=Now() WHERE Email='" & Message.Email & "'"

ListConnection Object ADO database connection object for the mailing list. Used for calling back after delivery.

Message.ListConnection.Execute "UPDATE List SET DeliveryTime=Now() WHERE Email='" & Message.Email & "'"

Method Returns Description
Reset Nothing Clear the message contents and attachments.
Cancel Nothing Cancel the message personalization and creation and this message will not be delivered.

The Body, Text, HTML Object Model

The body object equals to the current Text or Html object. It is only accessible for inline script. For global scripting, use Message.Text or Message.Html instead. The Body object is available to you within the Personalization Script Code with the following properties and methods:
Property Type Description
Text Text Access the plain-text character-string or HTML source codes.

Message.HTML.Text = "<b>Hello!</b>"

Method Returns Description
Write Nothing Append text to plain-text content or HTML source codes.

Body.Write "String"

Special Notice
For inline scripting, ="String" equals to Body.Write "String"

WriteLine Nothing Append text with line break to plain-text content or HTML source codes.

Body.WriteLine "String"

InsertFromFile Nothing Insert the contents of a text/html file to the current position.

Body.InsertFromFile "c:\copyright.htm"

LoadFromFile Nothing Overwrite the message text with the contents of a text/html file.

Body.LoadFromFile "c:\newsletter1.htm"

Clear Nothing Empty the message text.


End Nothing Stop generating this message text.

Message.Text.WriteLine "String" 
' this will not work any more

SaveToFile Nothing Save the message text to a text/html file.

Message.Html.SaveToFile "c:\" & User("Email") & ".htm"
Message.Text.SaveToFile "c:\" & User("Email") & ".txt"

The Attachments Object Model

The attachments object is available to you within the Personalization Script Code with the following properties and methods:
Property Type Description
Count Number Read the attachments amount.
Method Returns Description
Add Nothing Add a new attachment by its location.

Message.Attachments.Add "FilePath"

Remove Nothing Remove an attached file by its file name or index.

Message.Attachments.Remove "FilePath"

Clear Nothing Remove all attached files.

If User("NoAttachment") = "1" Then
End If

Find Number Find attachment by its file name and returns the index.

If Message.Attachments.Find("FilePath") >= 0 Then
  Message.Attachments.Remove "FilePath"
End If

The User Object Model

The attachments object is available to you within the Personalization Script Code with the following properties and methods:
Property Type Description
Properties Text Read/Write the recipient's attributes from a specific column as a character-string. Returns the contents of the current value from this column as a variant-type.
(contains NULL values, numbers, dates, etc.)

Message.Subject = User.Properties("FirstName") & ", " & Message.Subject

Special Notice
1. User("fieldname") equals to User.Properties("fieldname")
2. For inline scripting, [fieldname] also equals to User.Properties("fieldname")

Email Text Read/Write the recipient's email address.

If User.Email = "" And User("AlternativeEmail") <> "" Then
  User.Email = User("AlternativeEmail")
End If

FullName Text Read/Write the recipient's full name.

If User.FullName = "" Then
  User.FullName = User("FirstName")
End If

Key Text Read/Write the recipient's key field.

If User.Key <> "" Then
  Message.HTML = Replace(Message.HTML, "#key#", User.Key)
End If

Connection Object ADO database connection object for the mailing list.

Set rs = User.Connection.Execute("SELECT OrderNo FROM Orders WHERE UserID=" & User("ID"))
User("OrderNo") = rs("OrderNo")

Method Returns Description
Clear Nothing Remove all user attributes in the object.
