Nesox Email Marketer Help
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Frequently Asked Questions



Q. Can Email Marketer send messages with inline images or background music?

Yes. With Email Marketer's built-in WYSIWYG HTML editor, you can easily include graphics, change font colors and sizes, add tables, and perform a myriad of functions. You can even spice up your HTML messages by adding fair-sounding background music or sound.


Q. If the images included in my email are stored in my local hard drive, need I upload these image files to a web server in order for the recipients can see them?

No, you needn't. Email Marketer can automatically send images included in your message as inline image, which means all images are sent along with your message, when your recipients open your email, they will see these pictures immediately without waiting for the email software to download these images from internet.


Q. How can I create a HTML message? Does Email Marketer provide a WYSIWYG HTML editor?

Yes, Email Marketer provides a fully WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editor to let you create HTML emails.


Q. I don't understand HTML, how can I design a professional-looking HTML message?

Email Marketer comes with a large number of free, powerful templates. Templates make it easy to insert pictures, logos and colors for professional-looking campaigns that grab readers' attention. No design or HTML knowledge required. You choose the style, fill in the blanks with text and images, and we do the rest, including automatic Text conversion.


Q. Can I send a test email to myself before launching the email campaign?

Yes. Email Marketer allows you to send a test copy of your message to yourself to ensure it looks the way you want.


Q. Can I directly import a HTML file created by another HTML editor to Email Marketer?

Yes. You can import a HTML file to Email Marketer from your local hard drive by clicking the menu Message > Import From File.


Q. Can I import a web page (eg. My home page) to Email Marketer from the Internet?

Yes. You can even import a web page into Email Marketer from a URL address by clicking the menu Message > Import From URL.


Q. Can I request a read receipt for my message?

Yes, of course.


Q. Does Email Marketer support to sending attachments? If it does, how many attachments can I add?

Yes. There is no limitation on the number of attachments one email can have in Email Marketer, however, some mail servers do have that limitation.


Q. Can I send personalized messages to my recipients with Email Marketer?

Yes. Use your contact list to store more attributes than just names and email addresses. By using personalization scripts, attributes can be incorporated wherever you wish, throughout your campaign. Email Marketer will automatically merge the right attributes for each contact, so every message is personalized including the attachments. Email Marketer sends its messages directly to each customer, one at a time, personally and privately. The recipients only see what they need to see, and they sure don't see the other names on your mailing list.


Q. Can I personalize the "To" and "Subject" line?

Yes, you can do this just the same as you can do it in the message body.


Q. Is the personalized field limited to recipient's email? Can other fields be used to personalize my message?

All of the attribute fields of your contact list can be used to personalize your message.


Q. My message contains non English language, will it be ok?

Yes. Email Marketer supports all international character sets and languages. When you compose a non English message, you should select the corresponding character set for this email.


Q. Can I insert an unsubscribe link in my email?

Yes. However, only the Business Edition supports this. The Subscriber Service in Business Edition can help you create subscription forms and unsubscribe links.


Q. How can I create a Text / HTML mixture message?

Choose "Automatic" content type for the message and fill in the text message in the message editor.


Q. Does Email Marketer display Unicode (double-byte) charsets, like Chinese, Japanese, etc. properly?

Yes it does. Email Marketer supports more than 30 different languages / charsets. All you need to do is to pick the corresponding charset in the message editor. And if you are sending HTML messages, click Format | Page Property and select the Language. In this HTML source example we're using the JAPANESE Shift_JIS charset:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS">


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