No Spam
Nesox Email Marketer is designed mainly to email your existing customers.
You may also use Email Marketer with rented or purchased mailing lists,
as long as they are confirmed opt-in.
- License: The Email Marketer
license agreement prohibits
sending spam. You must abide by the license agreement to use Email
UNSOLICITED COMMERCIAL EMAIL ("UCE"). You may not use the Software
Product to send UCE. You may only use the Software Product to
send emails to recipients who have consented to receive email
from you by opting in to your mailing list or due to a pre-existing
business relationship.
Emails sent using the Software Product must:
- Have a valid email address or Web site link which lets
recipients unsubscribe
- Have a valid email address for handling bounced email
- Be routed through an outbound mail (SMTP) server which
is licensed to you
- Not have misleading or spoofed email headers
You must promptly honor all unsubscribe requests from your email
- Mandatory unsubscribe link: Every email sent from Email
Marketer includes a link to unsubscribe from the list. This link
is added automatically by Email Marketer and cannot be turned off.
Email Marketer cannot send email to customers who have unsubscribed.
- Support cutoff / no refund: If we receive complaints
that you have used Email Marketer to send spam, we will begin an
investigation. If the investigation reveals clear, substantiated
instances of high-volume spam sent using Email Marketer, you will
no longer be eligible for technical support. No refund will be provided.
- Mailing frequency limiter: We strongly recommend enabling
the mailing frequency limiter in Email Marketer to prevent any individual
from receiving an excessive number of emails, e.g. more than one
message every 30 days.
For more info on anti-spam efforts,
visit CAUCE.
New U.S. anti-spam law

new U.S. anti-spam law also prohibits
sending spam.