Opt-in Email Marketing, Email Newsletter Marketing Articles, Tips and Guidelines
To satisfy Email Marketer customer, we collected some articles about email. These articles provide expert insider tips for conducting your own successful email marketing campaign.
This article discusses which information to gather, how to calculate the "baseline" results for a mailing, and ways to track your overall performance over time for your email marketing campaigns.
Timing is Everything with Email MarketingDepending on whom you are trying to touch, there may be certain times of day, or days of the week, when the recipient may be more responsive to your message. This article talks about the best timing and frequency for your email marketing campaigns.
Five Ways to Use Email to Close the SaleEmail marketing, like any other form of marketing, is designed to lead to an actual sale. This article concentrates on how to create 5 types of emails that result in an immediate sale.
Email and the Limits of TechnologyWhy you cannot rely on technology to sell for you. You'll still need to know the principles of selling, direct mail, and building a relationship.
Some Things to Think About Before You Launch Your Next Email CampaignRemember--It's really person to person communication, not business to business. Learn how to avoid brand speak-the talk of the undead when communicating with prospects.
Writing E-Newsletters that SellNewsletters are a great way of reaching your target audience to promote your products and services. Newsletters allow you to reach a wide market to launch/expand your brand to potential clients and also cross/up-sell to your existing clientele.
15 Email Marketing Best PracticesAs you may know, most people now spend more time reading their emails than they do surfing the web. Email is one of the most powerful mediums that you can use to talk to visitors, customers and prospects.
Bulk Email vs. Opt in EmailA comparison of the pros and cons of unsolicited commercial email vis a vis opt-in email.
Low Cost Email MarketingHow to run an email marketing campaign without breaking the bank.
Does Your Email Look Like Junk Email?How to make sure your subject line and opening copy for your permission-based emails do not come off as spam.
Revisiting the Email NewsletterIt's not you, you, you. It's them. Forget case studies and press releases. Educated your prospects and subscribers in your newsletter with the information they want.
Creating an Email NewsletterAn overview of the process of creating an email newsletter and sign-up form from your web site.
An Email Marketing How-toAn explanation of list rental, opt-in email, newsletter advertising, and autoresponders.
The Eight Deadly Sins of Email MarketingAn article derived from actual emails that went awry. Here is a list of what NOT to do when using email marketing.
The Marvelous, Mysterious Life of an Email NewsletterFollow the journey of an email newsletter through metrics and anecdotes as it passes through, 'power users,' 'content analysis,' reader feedback,' 'forwardings' and 'unsubscribers.' A primer on analyzing your audience and turning readers into buyers.
Effective Email Marketing TechniquesEmail marketing when used correctly, can be one of the most effective marketing techniques around. This article breaks down the basics.
Developing an Email Communications PlanThinking about making email a major component of your marketing and communications efforts? Don't go off half-cocked. Put together a plan first.
Building a Successful Email NewsletterThinking about starting your own email newsletter? It's not as easy as it sounds, that is, if you want to do it successfully. Here are 10 tips for making it work.
Email Marketing Messages: Same as Direct Mail?I've written a lot of direct mail copy, but I find that when I'm working with email I need to do some things differently.
Selling Ad Space in Your E-ZineOnce your email newsletter subscriber base reaches a certain size, you can start selling advertising. Extra revenue -- sounds good! But here are some things you should to think about first.